Click here on 3/31/25 @ 9am to register for summer!

Contact Us for more info or to schedule a free 30-minute trial

Text or call:

Email: info@classacademics.


PRIORITY registration for families currently enrolled with us begins 3/31 @ 9 AM.

Open enrollment for all begins 4/7, Monday.

Is there something you aren’t seeing? Make a suggestion!

Are you interested in a free trial for the time being? Contact us today!

Summer Session 2025

We’re so glad you’re here!
We are excited to spend the summer with you.

Please carefully read the information below for our 2025 summer private 1:1 tutoring. The registration links are at the END OF THIS PAGE.


Why Sign Up for Summer at CLASS Academics?
- Reinforce academic skills to avoid learning loss
- Flexible scheduling
- Engaging, meaningful, and customized lessons with quality educators

What Is the Summer Slide?
The “Summer Slide” is the learning loss that occurs during the summer months when students are not actively learning or practicing academic skills. Research shows that two to two and a half months of skills can be lost during the summer months. This is cumulative, meaning it adds up year after year!

Students do not need to be enrolled the entire summer. Families can provide vacation dates in advance and we will work around those dates when scheduling.

Instructors and Subject Areas:

Instructor Summer Availability:

Colleen (In-Person & Online):
Note: Colleen is not accepting new weekly students at this time.

Heather (Online):
Mon - Fri, 3 PM - 7 PM

Arlene (Online):
Mon - Wed, 9 AM - 5 PM

Caitlyn (In-Person):
Mon - Thurs, 12 - 5 PM

Candee (In-Person):
Mon, Wed, 12 - 5 PM
Tues, 9 AM - 12 PM
Thurs, 9 AM - 5 PM

Yamilet (In-Person):
Mon - Thurs, 9 AM - 12 PM

Robin (In-Person):
Tues - Thurs, 9 AM - 5 PM

For detailed schedule availability per hour, please review the table below.

Priority registration -

Available March 31st @ 9 AM

If your student is CURRENTLY enrolled with us in the 2024-2025 academic year, you are eligible for priority registration. Please fill out the correct form based on your last name below; be sure to fill out one form per student.